Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Previous Article Explained

Following some unbelievable outcry from all corners where my blog can be accessed, as humble a person as I am, and coming from a PR background myself, where I have been taught the importance of relationship building and maintenance, whether as an organisation or as an individual who wishes to build a good profile, I will take this opportunity and offer some clarity about my previous article titled “White citizens enjoy unfair advantage over their black fellow countrymen in SA”. It is of vital and paramount importance that I make it very clear that the article meant no harm or offence to any race group whatsoever. It was a mere expression of the situation in South Africa but unfortunately interpreted completely out of context. I would also like to bring to everyone’s attention that as an aspiring writer, one just has to be able to say things that not everybody can say but unfortunately in this situation I was wrongly interpreted.
The article was intended to highlight the impact of the political system that was in practice in South Africa for a very long time until the early 1990’s. We are all aware that power was distributed unequal for a very long period in our country and Apartheid was hugely in favour of the minority and the masses were left out in the cold while those who opposed the system were jailed and many brutally killed, but that is another story for another day. All I was expressing is that white citizens have a very solid foundation to build their lives on, which is not the case with black and coloured citizens. All that this means is, for a black person to start a business that will be as competitive as already existing companies is almost impossible because they have to start from scratch. They are not so fortunate that they have to take over from their parents or whatever the case may be, they have to start everything from the beginning.
With regards to some utterances made regarding Universities, the intention was to compare the two situations, a situation of a black student who grew up under extreme poverty conditions and a white student who had everything they needed to succeed in University. The difference between these two students is that they were brought up in two completely different circumstances, with one favoured by the then political system and the other not and neither of these students can shoulder responsibility for any of this.
It also needs to be understood that not every white person loved apartheid, it was imposed to all citizens by the government and nobody had a choice but to adhere to policies set out by the government. The apartheid government was against everyone who opposed the system whether black or white, we are all aware that people like Amhed Kathrada were jailed alongside Walter Sisulu and Former President Nelson Mandela regardless of colour or race. The point I am trying to make here is that, it would be wrong to blame the white society in its entirety for all events that took place back then. The intention of the article was not to blame white citizens but to expose consequences of the apartheid system which left races that were oppressed very poor and the finger was only pointed at the system not the beneficiaries.
I am very aware that all situations differ and that there are a lot of white citizens who worked really hard to be where they are today and I have also acknowledged this in my previous article and I am saying it again that those people really deserve a standing ovation as they contribute immensely to the economic development of this country. I would also like to reiterate that not every white citizen has inherited some wealth from their parents and that not all white University students have benefited from the apartheid system.
This blog is intended for everyone, it is therefore my primary intention to keep all those who take time to read it happy, for that reason, I humble myself to all those who took offence, there was none intended. In fact, I know a lot of white people whom I can call my friends, it would therefore be impossible for me to go all out to offend them, especially considering that I am one of the people who really intend to uphold all policies as set out in our constitution.
South Africa belongs to all who live in it, black, white, coloured and Indian” (Thabo Mbeki)
Chilling with Sibo...............till next time.

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